Do you ever feel like that???
You've tried and succeed in having a great start to your week (Mon-Thu and Friday morning) and literally it all just comes crashing I mean CRASHING down... friday afternoon and saturday!
Those who are at my school will know about Friday afternoon but lets just say it involved alot of shouting and disappointment on peoples part!! (More on this later)
Besides the point this post is about life choices!
This morning I went for another run.. a life choice
I have decided to train for a 10K.. life choice
But when you reach Year 11 you have another life choice: A-levels
What to take? What not to take?.. should you stay on? Should you not!!
I know in my mind what subjects I want to take but then I am being pulled this way and that by basically my teachers who want me to do their subject..
Don't please don't get me wrong.. its nice to feel 'loved' to the extent your teachers want you to take a subject.. but the truth is the more they do that, the more guilty I feel saying 'No'
So right now due to my nature I have agreed to 'think' about the following AS levels:
-English literature
I don't know what to do??
My definites are
-History and -Economics
Because I enjoy them and well because there just subjects I love learning and studying and revising adn also my school offers great teachers for both subjects!!
I also enjoy english literature so that is quite high up the list and I think I should take maths..
But then theres people saying
'Take a language, it looks better at A* level!' What makes them so sure I am going to get the A*
'Take a science it would be good for univeristy especially the US'
Its difficult, everytime I think I have decided I go back on myself and question every move!
What am I going to say when my teachers ask 'so you thought about it??' I don't want to let anyone down!!!
The truth is I am normally the one giving you advice.. now I need it from you... not just from family, teachers, friends... people I don't know....
Now back to my 'bad' but 'good' week.. basically had some bad news this morning and it lowered my selfesteem a bit.. no it wasn't a break up!! But I guess (now for some advice) I'm gonna be knockered down so many times.. as you will be but the important thing to remember is that person knocking you down whether it be a friend or parent or even a teacher... in a couple of years when you are far away living the life you want, they'll still be here, wishing they never said it!
I guess that sounds a bit like .. well bullying if you ask me.. I wonder if you guys have seen this video all about the news presenter who recieved the letter about her 'weight'
When I heard I was appalled... I am an anti-bullying rep (On wednesday I will do a blogpost talking about that)... what gives someone else the right to belittle another human being and make them feel like nothing!! NO ONE!
The man who wrote the letter has since apologised but yes he is entitiled to his own opinions but why does he have to write them down.....
Another mention of bullying was on the most viewed page of youtube about the girl Amber Todd....her life story; upsettting, awful.. that people would want to hurt someone that badly be it physically or mentally!
So my next blogpost will be all about Bullying I feel so strongly about it.. (theres are reason and you can guess it!)
Thanks for listening guys
You don't know how much this helps just getting it all out!!
Much love
S xxxx