Saturday, 29 December 2012

What 2012 has taught me...

So I know I haven't blogged in a while (20 days!) Sorry its been hectic, this Christmas, holiday, revision etc etc. But Today I'm going to be writing a post about what I have learnt from 2012. Inspired by hellokatyxo:

This year has been quite a busy one for me, I got my first GCSE this year in History, had my first kiss (proper too!), this year has made quite a big impact on my life so far especially in regards to education!

One thing 2012 has taught me is that I can't be good at everything, looking at my GCSE results you would say well you're an allrounded student, yes I feel (not to toot my own horn or anything) that I am good 'allround'. The sciences, maths, english, language... but believe me none of that comes naturally! I didnt' wake up on the day of my exam thinking 'this will be a breeze' and I didn't not come home in tears when I thought they went terribly! I get anxious so another thing that 2012 has taught me is that I shouldn't worry so much, about certain things yes but some things such as an exam if I felt I did badly I need to forget it, accept it and move on. I'm not good at everything I like sometimes to run.. but I hate sport, I'm awful at sports (seeming less perfect?) I do do a lot- from extra cirricular DofE to 13.5 GCSES, music exams, running school committes, running charity fun runs.. but the truth is in none of it am I getting A* in everything I do.. and this year I have learnt to accept that! I shouldn't be bitter about others that have got those achievements, from the students with the Grade 8 in three instruments to every time I can I see my cousins singing/dancing shows with Talent Time, they are just so talented its hard not to question well what do you have?? But I've learnt to well accept the fact that I'm not that good at dancing.. fine.. I have other stuff! And so my reader do you....
Another thing 2012 has taught me is my best sometimes IS good enough, this does relate to the very long point above...but my GCSE results showed me that when I do try my hardest despite what I think.. God is fair and gives those that work the grades they deserve! (Not trying to tooth my own horn again!) its just you all should know that if you put in the effort you will be rewarded! I promise!
Everything is going to be okay in the end!!
I have learnt from 2012 is that sometimes its ok to be a little selfish....I love putting others infront of myself, it just can make someones day, bring a smile to their face! But sometimes on the rare occasions I sacrifice my own happiness for someone elses, so I've learnt this year that if I feel I really want something and I deserve it.. I'm gonna work for it and get it regardless if it makes others a bit annoyed. If it makes them upset.. that's a different story! Such as for my yearbook commitee, one of the boys appointed me head and I checked it with everyone in the team as I didn't want to step on anyones toes. There was a resonding yes but later one of the members took me to the side and said she didn't think it was fair I was given that role... I don't know why she did it and it hurt for a bit but I thought this time I was going to be selfish, in keeping that role! (BTW: she apologised for how she sounded a day later.. we're still the best of friends!)

And lastly I have learnt from 2012 is that you can't make everyone happy, so don't even try! Like the above point.. last year 2011 I learnt that 'bitching' is not the right thing to do, you shouldn't judge people by what you see as you don't know their story! But as much as I can try to be nice to everyone just so that part of their life may be a little easier, I can't make everyone happy and I've learnt to accept that!

I hope you enjoyed this blogpost.. I may post soon!
But if I don't speak before then Happy New Year..
Maybe 2013 is going to be your year?? x
Much love
S xxx