Saturday, 27 October 2012

At the airport...

So I'm right now sitting on a computer blogging in the lounge of Terminal 5 Heathrow airport..
can I get a woop woop???

So excited for my college road trip (believe me an advice blog will be coming up soon!)

So basically if you are so very lovely and concerned for me knowing that as I am going to be visiting
-Washington DC
-North Carolina
You will be worried and will know all about the Hurricane Sandy.. yes their on the S part of the alphabet!
Looking at this picture below its forecast is basically everywhere we are going...

So a few very few minor changes have been made in order to keep us out of trouble especially during the long college drives!
-Well, we may not make it to Ohio but will wait and see! It doesn't seem fair does it, that after planning for months on end... it could all be ruined by a tiny hurricane well actually a big one.. otherwise it wouldn't be causing all this mess!!

Now I've seriously been loving and I mean loving Taylor swift's new album RED..
This morning I ran to it and it really kept me going... I managed to do my 5K in much less time than normal!

So you're all coming along with me on the really FIRST STAGE of the rest of my life...
COLLEGE here I come...
You never know the next time I am on my way may be in 3 years time when I am actually going to my university to study!!
How very very very exciting
Much love
P.s. I noticed a large number for the amount of views of my blog..
I love you guys...
S xxxxxx

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