No I am not doing it for my green badge on my blazer, or ucas points but instead because I love helping people.. I get this thrill when I see that I have made someones day or they have decided to smile!!
So OCTOBER IS national bullying month... and in honour of this there has been a large variety of campaigns everywhere in order to remind us and the world of all the reasons why bullying needs to stop!
I bet we have all see the video of Amanda Todd:
Due to its subject matter I don't want to include a link here... if you guys understand!
The way she was treated by people that were meant to be her friends... its disgusting and that is the whole point of why Bullying is wrong. Calling people names won't make you feel better in the long run.
I feel that bullying really only gets attention when someone has killed themselves because of it but for the idea of bullying to get so so bad, that a person feels they only way to stop the pain is to kill themselves... its just awful!!
Their are many different forms of bullying:
-Verbal name just a few...
The truth is they are all just as bad as eachother...
As girls lets admit it.. we all WE ALL BITCH!! okay done.. but why? does it make us feel better to call someone names or to talk about them..
To quote an amazing girl called 'Megan Parken' (meganheartsmakeup on youtube)
Even these girls that we respect and look up to are torn down my 'haters' who go onto their videos or blogs on purpose to write hateful comments about the person!!
And then to quote another movie
"calling someone fat doesn't make you any skinnier,
calling someone stupid doesn't make you any smarter"
(This should be there aswell... calling someone ugly doesn't make you any prettier")
Its true!
Why do some people bully?
There are a lot of reasons why some people bully.
-They may see it as a way of being popular, or making themselves look tough and in charge.
-Some people bully to get attention or things, or to make other people afraid of them. Others might be jealous of the person they are bullying. They may be being bullied themselves.
-Some bullies are being bullied themselves, often by an older person, most often in their family.
-Some bullies may not even understand how wrong their behavior is and how it makes the person being bullied feel.
There is a very good song by the amazing artists Megan and Liz called
'Are you happy now?'
Its message is just.. exactly the point of anti-bullying teams!!
Our Anti-bullying week is coming up on the 14th of November, and we are doing a variety of different fundraisers and activities to get everyone involved in stopping BULLYING at our school!
Themed assemblies...
A bake sale...
Selling 'Anti-bullying week 2012' wristbands...
Talent show....
These are just a few of the things we are planning to do... we also have just recently done a poster competition and the winner had their poster about 'anitbullying' put in every form room!
So if you want to do something to stand up against bullying join your Anti-bullying team or create one if you school doesn't have one!
Good luck
And may we all do well in this never ending battle against bullying
Much love
S xxxx
P.S. If you are being bullied or know someone who is... please don't waste time... talk to someone, parent, teacher.. someone you trust before its too late!! If you need some more advice below are a couple of helpful links:
Provides telephone
counseling for those being bullied or facing any other problems020 8514 1177
Anti-Bullying Campaign (ABC):
Helpline that provides advice for both victims and bullies who want to change.
(Term time: Mon-Fri 10.00-16.00)
020 7378 1446
(you can email someone for support and advice 24/7)
helpline: 0800 1111
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