Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Blogunnukah Day 5/12

So I promised I would do a blogpost so here I am doing a blogpost.. yes its a bit late!
I just got back from my schools christmas concert and yes thank you for asking it went quite well! Once I finishe playing in the Orchestra (Alto saxophone of course) I had to go back to the sixth form block and wait until the concert finished. So I plugged in my ipod to the tune of its beginning to look alot like christmas and wrote 25 or so Christmas Cards.

Now I love writing Christmas cards: this year the cards say things like
Wishing you a Merry christmas
Hope you have a new year filled with love and happiness
Good luck with your mocks!
_____ (insert subject here) buddy!!!

But the older I get the less cards I write.. do you find that! Its not like I really want to send any e-cards I mean that kinda shows you don't care.. don't you think!!

This one is going to be a short one bare in mind as I have to go wash my hair and go to bed... I mean c'mon I need my beauty sleep!

So maybe I'll have today as a little review of my day so far.. believe you me I doubt a hairwash is going to make this day the BEST DAY EVER....
Chemistry was first an experiment that ended well badly.. the opposite of our predicition happened and really the opposite of science happened, the more water we added to the reaction (therefore the lower the concentration of acid became) the faster the Mg reacted.. need I say anymore to tell you something was wrong with that whole experiment! But something of interest my teacher was wearing this amazing necklace it had an element of the periodic table that corresponded to the first letter of her name.. i NEED NEED TO FIND THIS.. S is for SULPHUR!!

Not much actually happened today.. I had an anti-bullying meeting which was perfectly fine... it was my day to prefect meaning I could stay inside when the weather outside was frightfull but the radiator was so delightful.. get what I'm doing!!!

I guess the only other thing of interest well umm I've kinda forgotten sorry.. well I did cry in English we were watching To Kill A Mockingbird, and Scout was talking about missing her mum and I just teared up.. you know how it is!  (BTW: does not mean I'm suffering from that.. its just I couldn't imagine a world without my mum in it!!!)
Hannukah today: I got this gorgeous scarf/snood/etenity scarf/whatever you want to call it! I also got some cute bits and bobs giving me ideas for other peoples christmas gifts!

So thats it for now I guess!! Sorry it was short
Hope you all had a good day!
Much love
S xxxx

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