Friday, 1 March 2013


So... Long time no see... I'm sorry, it's just with exams and basically 'excuse my French' crappy Internet service, I haven't really had a chance to post! You know how it can sometimes be!

So here's an update!!! 
I recently (today) had my Grade 5 saxophone alto exam, it was terrible! Pieces were okay but scales and everything else not so much! He asked me to redo one of two of the aurals and don't even get me started on the sight reading (musical term for playing a piece of music you've never seen or played before!

But on the other hand... I was asked to join my schools jazz band on the tenor sax! I went on Tuesday and well.. I LOVED IT!! Here's kinda the size difference.. tenor on the left, alto right! I'm just about tall enought as I don't know if any of you know this but I'm only 5ft 1 1/2 inches.. the 1/2 really does matter!!!

I think the tenor might be the instrument for me.. yes it's more difficult than the alto but it was just so much fun to play!!! So I suggest anyone that plays the sax try out the tenor!!

Now onto other business.. I HAVE A NEW JAM..
Some nights by Fun.. I'm kinda obsessed!

This and + The Ed Sheeran album.. all you need to help you revise.. they literally are just pure bliss to listen to when trying to concentrate on Biology and stuff along those lines!!!

Last weekend I had my 'seminar/taster session' for my Israel tour trip that I'm going on during this summer!!
I'm so exctied for 'tour', 4 weeks away with Jewish people your own age, seeing the sites, camping, climbing mountains and that's only one day!! Unfortunatly it's only offered for those of you who are jewish but.. seriously just do it!
 I'm doing FZY Israel tour and for my special interest week, I have chosen Gadna (Army training!) It's with the real Israeli army and real *ahem* soldiers...!!
No matter if you're in the UK, USA or Israel you can go with FZY.. so go now!!!
Its for those in Year 11..!!!
That's kinda it for me.. have physics revision to do! Well I'm in the home strech now.. just 15 weeks left (8 of school + 2 week holiday + 5 weeks of exams!)
Thanks guys for still sticking with me!!
Love you all xxx
S xxxx


Sunday, 27 January 2013


Now those of you doing your DofE will know most of it is now done online...
Yes you still do get given a booklet and have to have that signed by whoever you choose to mark each section for you, but filling and uploading evidence online is important.

The evidence relates to anything that is proof of you actually doing that activity for example if your skill is football, have evidence of pictures of you playing football, certificates from matches, leaflets for your football club. If your skill is learning a musical intrument, you could post a sound file of you playing it or certificate of a grade you did.
The possibilites are endless! I love the evidence section and try to spend time making sure I have enough pieces of evidence so just in case at the end of my dofe I want to create a dofe book of my time doing bronze/silver/gold!

In terms of how to actually upload everything else:

As you can see on the top part of this screenshot there is each section with a dial like formation, this will appear on your first page when you enter and sign in to your edofe account. The loggings of which your teachers will provide. Once you click on whichever section to start e.g. volunteering you will need to choose a timescale:
For Bronze:
3 months of 2 of the sections and 6 months of the last
For silver (with bronze)
6 months on 2 of the sections (1 of these sections must be volunteering) and 3 months of the other
For silver (without bronze):
3 months on one section, 6 months on one section, 12 months on one section.

You then need to choose the date you are going to start your chosen activity.
In the box below you will choose from a drop down list the type of activity your doing (self explanatory when you know yoru activity and the categories!)
In the box below give the name of your activity e.g. pilates, saxophone, football.
For where are you going to do it? Type in the address of your for example, football club or the address of your volunteer place such as the charity shop.
For the goals section, you need to think what do you want to achieve and how can you show the DofE assesors you have achieved it through evidence. So if it is to work on your ball skills in football, maybe upload a video as evidence of you doing knee ups..!
And your assesor will need to be chosen by you, they could be a teacher, your coach,.. the person who will be signing your booklet for that section!
Once you have done this you will need to submit it to your teacher, who will then approve it. You can then begin to submit your evidence. This will need to be approved. Once both sections are approved you can submit the entire section (after you've finished it obviously!) and the dial will turn to the right and will say completed!
And you can pat yourself on the back and say well done!!
I hope this answered all your questions!
Much love
S xxx


OMG! I actually feel so bad... 27 days since I have been last seen, last hear of.. by now my parents would have called a search party, the police and probably the local newspapers to search for me!
And that ladies and gentlemen would be my 15 minutes of fame!!
But seriously I cannot beg for your forgiveness enough... I've been really busy with school and mocks and they were a priority! So today I WILL DO 2 POSTS....
This one, just about what's been going on in my life and another about DofE... so without futher ado.. here goes!
So yesterday morning at 7.15am I made my way to the American High School in St John's Wood, in order to take my very first step on the read to my american university dream! I took 2 SAT subject tests; Biology-Ecology and Maths Lv1.
Just so you know a point of comparison I do OCR Triple science biology and I found the test hard, I understood a lot of the content but some of the questions I just didn't know enough detail about them! So I would suggest if thinking 'I want to take an SAT subject test in a science' wait till AS level!
Maths Lv1, was suprisingly not so difficult, I understood a lot of it and felt I did quite well actually!
(Please do not worry your pretty ahem... gorgeous little heads about it, the second I know you will know my results!!)... you guys are living through the experience with me!!

More importantly I'll talk about the experience as some of you may have to go through this too. So I got there with my admission ticket (get when you sign up for a test at collegeboard!), No.2 pencils, calculator, ID (in the form of my red passport) and walked into a large room sort a' like a cafeteria style, there were a lot of people there, and they all stared at me as I walked down the stairs... they were all sitting in their little cliques, I sware it was like something out of Mean Girls without the plastics, the cool asians or any of them. So in fact it was nothing like mean girls!
I had no one to talk to and everyone seemed to know eachother... that was most likely because they all attend the St John's American High School! What was strange though was they all had an american accent despite the fact they live in England! I hope I keep my english accent when I go to the states!!!!
We were told to follow an official to a list which had are names and what room we were in! I was in room 345 an English classroom, with about 12 other students (11 American, 1 chinese.) I was the only one with a red passport!- and me the english one!
We were told all the rules... (you can see them all on collegeboard!), completed all the admin requriements and then handed out a big book with all the SAT subject tests in and told to just choose one of the subjects we had signed up to take and to begin (of course it was a little more formal but you get the picture!)
Once we'd done one, there was a 5 min break and then we started our second!
So that was my experience... btw it was a really lovely school, lots of classrooms, very clean!

All my mocks are finished now.. I've had all bar 4 results, those I got a mix of A's, B's and A*'s.
Economics... I was so worried about this one but OMG...i got 58/60! second in the class! How can I be 2nd this is just wow.. I was so happy so so so happy!!! So I really wanted to share that!!

I also had my sixth form interview for my school! I love it... Afterwards I could not stop smiling. I got so many compliments like 'perfect candidate for the morehead cain scholarship' 'oxbridge material' 'potential head girl'.
I'm not trying to brag here... but literally this is what my teacher said! I still can't stop smiling when I think about it!!!
So yeh its been a really great start to this year, I've acutally been the gym 22/27 times this month.. I'm so proud of myself! This is such a lovely feeling!!

Well I hope you guys have had an amazing month! Love you all lots and lots like jelly tots!
Much love S xxxx

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

My New Year Resolutions...

Happy New Year all! I hope you have enjoyed your first morning of 2013!

I slept in for the longest ever.. 11.15am.. that's crazy late!! I then had my breakfast with Graham Norton (the TV show, I taped last night!.. not actually him but that would be super cool!!!)

Last night or should I say this morning I was out to pretty late about 2.30, I had a family/friends mini gathering thing.. SO MUCH FUN! We played the name game, charades, rockband.. let me tell you I get 100% on begginer drumming!!!
Some photos you can find on my instagram: @sassyfelds
The people I were with were just so amazing and I LOVE THEM ALL TO PIECES!! xxx

Did you see LONDON'S fireworks... well weren't they something.. we have so much to celebrate this year.. Olympics, Jubillee... just wow!!

Now onto what this post is about, New Year comes with many things.. new year's eve kisses, parties, champagne, fireworks but also with regrets/mistakes/wrongdoings.. as I discussed in my last post about what this year has taught me! So this time of the year is also a chance to change, make yourself a better person!!!

So without further ado I have 4 resolutions:

1. The obvious one of everyone.. just be healthier.. that means properly going to the gym 4+ days a week and actually doing a workout! By the end of this year I want to have run and raised money for a charity 10K last year was 5K this year 10.. why not! I do kinda want to do a half marathon when I'm 18 so I'm on my way if I can do this!!
I'm going to make myself start enjoying the gym/running, the feeling release of endorphines you get aftewards is just amazing so much better than what I get after eating chocolate mousee!!
Also I will eat more than 5 fruits/veg a day, last year it was to eat 5 and I now do that, NOW I WANT TO EAT MORE!! Also take my vitamins... did you know you can only absorb calcium and phosphorus during puberty!!! I know, crazy!!!

-I started this one today and went for a run on a runnign machine of a 10K....

2. Work my ass off (excuse my french) and get therefore the grades I deserve in my GCSE. As some of you know this is my GCSE year, year 11 the big 11 so I'm gonna make it count educationally.. what I get now is important and I know I can get the grades I want as I did last year by putting in all the effort I possibly could! Also this includes SATs this year I'll be taking my SAT intensive course, starting Year 12 and all that University stuff that I need to begin thinking about.. maybe I won't be taking my SATs till 2014 but still for SATs this year counts!!

3. Make this year count: (3rd time I've said it) but seriously not just educationally.. I've realised how fast my life and those around me seems to be going, I've only got 14 or so weeks in uniform of my whole entire life! That's absolutely crazy! So I want to do things this year, make our year special!
By having the best yearbook ever, hosting the best prom ever, getting the best GCSE results ever!

4. Be the person I want to meet...I was just given 'most likely to brighten someones day' in my yearbook... I just want to always be that person! I love smiling and now no braces.. I'm gonna smile even more! I'm going to do one nice thing everyday and not for myself but because I know how happy it's going to make someone else from offering to empty the dishwasher at home to helping a friend in need or just paying for someone elses coffee at starbucks (I'm doing that next time!!)

So that's it... above I'm taking care of my body, my mind, and others.. maybe I'm not doing anything for the world... but everything I'm doing is going to hopefully make those around me worlds easier!!
So what's your resolutions.. mine has alway been to stop biting my nails but this year no.. I'll try but fail by tomorrow, maybe next year for that.. exams make me nervous and my nails are my outlet.. I know its disgusting and a horrible habit but what can I say!!!
Of course there is one more resolution... STICK TO THE ABOVE!!
I sometimes have an issue sticking to my resolutions, hey I'm only human but finally technology has given us an answer:
Here is a link to a website with information on 4-5 apps to help you keep to some of your resolutions....
I hope you enjoyed this post!
Have a happy and healthy start of 2013 and I'll see you next week!
Much love
S xxxx