Sunday, 27 January 2013


Now those of you doing your DofE will know most of it is now done online...
Yes you still do get given a booklet and have to have that signed by whoever you choose to mark each section for you, but filling and uploading evidence online is important.

The evidence relates to anything that is proof of you actually doing that activity for example if your skill is football, have evidence of pictures of you playing football, certificates from matches, leaflets for your football club. If your skill is learning a musical intrument, you could post a sound file of you playing it or certificate of a grade you did.
The possibilites are endless! I love the evidence section and try to spend time making sure I have enough pieces of evidence so just in case at the end of my dofe I want to create a dofe book of my time doing bronze/silver/gold!

In terms of how to actually upload everything else:

As you can see on the top part of this screenshot there is each section with a dial like formation, this will appear on your first page when you enter and sign in to your edofe account. The loggings of which your teachers will provide. Once you click on whichever section to start e.g. volunteering you will need to choose a timescale:
For Bronze:
3 months of 2 of the sections and 6 months of the last
For silver (with bronze)
6 months on 2 of the sections (1 of these sections must be volunteering) and 3 months of the other
For silver (without bronze):
3 months on one section, 6 months on one section, 12 months on one section.

You then need to choose the date you are going to start your chosen activity.
In the box below you will choose from a drop down list the type of activity your doing (self explanatory when you know yoru activity and the categories!)
In the box below give the name of your activity e.g. pilates, saxophone, football.
For where are you going to do it? Type in the address of your for example, football club or the address of your volunteer place such as the charity shop.
For the goals section, you need to think what do you want to achieve and how can you show the DofE assesors you have achieved it through evidence. So if it is to work on your ball skills in football, maybe upload a video as evidence of you doing knee ups..!
And your assesor will need to be chosen by you, they could be a teacher, your coach,.. the person who will be signing your booklet for that section!
Once you have done this you will need to submit it to your teacher, who will then approve it. You can then begin to submit your evidence. This will need to be approved. Once both sections are approved you can submit the entire section (after you've finished it obviously!) and the dial will turn to the right and will say completed!
And you can pat yourself on the back and say well done!!
I hope this answered all your questions!
Much love
S xxx

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