Sunday, 27 January 2013


OMG! I actually feel so bad... 27 days since I have been last seen, last hear of.. by now my parents would have called a search party, the police and probably the local newspapers to search for me!
And that ladies and gentlemen would be my 15 minutes of fame!!
But seriously I cannot beg for your forgiveness enough... I've been really busy with school and mocks and they were a priority! So today I WILL DO 2 POSTS....
This one, just about what's been going on in my life and another about DofE... so without futher ado.. here goes!
So yesterday morning at 7.15am I made my way to the American High School in St John's Wood, in order to take my very first step on the read to my american university dream! I took 2 SAT subject tests; Biology-Ecology and Maths Lv1.
Just so you know a point of comparison I do OCR Triple science biology and I found the test hard, I understood a lot of the content but some of the questions I just didn't know enough detail about them! So I would suggest if thinking 'I want to take an SAT subject test in a science' wait till AS level!
Maths Lv1, was suprisingly not so difficult, I understood a lot of it and felt I did quite well actually!
(Please do not worry your pretty ahem... gorgeous little heads about it, the second I know you will know my results!!)... you guys are living through the experience with me!!

More importantly I'll talk about the experience as some of you may have to go through this too. So I got there with my admission ticket (get when you sign up for a test at collegeboard!), No.2 pencils, calculator, ID (in the form of my red passport) and walked into a large room sort a' like a cafeteria style, there were a lot of people there, and they all stared at me as I walked down the stairs... they were all sitting in their little cliques, I sware it was like something out of Mean Girls without the plastics, the cool asians or any of them. So in fact it was nothing like mean girls!
I had no one to talk to and everyone seemed to know eachother... that was most likely because they all attend the St John's American High School! What was strange though was they all had an american accent despite the fact they live in England! I hope I keep my english accent when I go to the states!!!!
We were told to follow an official to a list which had are names and what room we were in! I was in room 345 an English classroom, with about 12 other students (11 American, 1 chinese.) I was the only one with a red passport!- and me the english one!
We were told all the rules... (you can see them all on collegeboard!), completed all the admin requriements and then handed out a big book with all the SAT subject tests in and told to just choose one of the subjects we had signed up to take and to begin (of course it was a little more formal but you get the picture!)
Once we'd done one, there was a 5 min break and then we started our second!
So that was my experience... btw it was a really lovely school, lots of classrooms, very clean!

All my mocks are finished now.. I've had all bar 4 results, those I got a mix of A's, B's and A*'s.
Economics... I was so worried about this one but OMG...i got 58/60! second in the class! How can I be 2nd this is just wow.. I was so happy so so so happy!!! So I really wanted to share that!!

I also had my sixth form interview for my school! I love it... Afterwards I could not stop smiling. I got so many compliments like 'perfect candidate for the morehead cain scholarship' 'oxbridge material' 'potential head girl'.
I'm not trying to brag here... but literally this is what my teacher said! I still can't stop smiling when I think about it!!!
So yeh its been a really great start to this year, I've acutally been the gym 22/27 times this month.. I'm so proud of myself! This is such a lovely feeling!!

Well I hope you guys have had an amazing month! Love you all lots and lots like jelly tots!
Much love S xxxx

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